K-Active® Tape Classic Blau 6er-Box – Set (5 Stück)Sichere dir jetzt unser exklusives Black Week Bundle: 5 x K-Active® Tape Classic 6er-Box – die perfekte Lösung für alle, die nie genug Tape haben können. Egal, ob für den professionellen Einsatz in der Physiotherapie, im Sport oder für den persönlichen Bedarf – mit diesem Set bist du bestens ausgestattet.
Das K-Active® Tape Classic überzeugt durch seine bewährte Qualität, eine hervorragende Hautverträglichkeit und eine maximale Haftung, auch bei intensiven sportlichen Aktivitäten. Dank der atmungsaktiven und wasserfesten Eigenschaften ist es ideal für Training, Therapie und Alltag. Mit diesem Bundle erhältst du 30 Rollen Tape – ein unschlagbares Angebot für alle, die auf Qualität und große Mengen setzen. Perfekt zum Vorrat auffüllen oder für die gesamte Mannschaft!
K-Active® Tape Elite 1er-Box Beige – Set (10 Stück)Das K-Active® Tape Elite 1er-Box Beige – Set (10 Stück) bietet dir 10 Rollen unseres Premium-Tapes mit extra starkem Halt und hypoallergenem Kleber. Entwickelt für intensive Anwendungen, bietet das Tape Elite maximale Stabilität und Unterstützung, selbst bei anspruchsvollsten Sport- und Therapieeinsätzen. Das beige Tape fügt sich dezent an jede Körperpartie an und überzeugt durch seine wasserfeste, atmungsaktive und elastische Struktur. Perfekt für Profis und ambitionierte Anwender, die auf Qualität und Leistung setzen.
K-Active® Mini Massage Gun
Compact, powerful and individually adjustable
With a handy size of 14 centimeters, the K-Active® Mini massage gun convinces with its compact design. Despite its size, it is just as powerful as conventional massage guns. Make individual settings regarding the massage intensity at any time and enjoy the benefit for your body.
What makes the K-Active® Mini massage gun so special?
Handy mini format
Intensive massage function with 5 intensity levels
4 different massage attachments
When should I use the K-Active® Mini massage gun?
The massage gun guarantees you a unique massage experience before or after training and at any time in case of muscular complaints and injuries. It is an effective application for all:
Fitness fanatics
Office heroes
Wellness junkies
People with muscular complaints
What does the K-Active® Mini massage gun do?
The massage gun penetrates deep into the muscles and
Improves blood circulation
Relieves tension
Prevents muscle soreness
Accelerates muscle recovery
May contribute to a faster recovery
Product Details:
Scope of delivery: K-Active® mini massage gun, 4 different attachments, USB-C charging cable, storage bag.
Weight: 400 g
Size: 8.6 x 4.7 x 14.5 cm
Battery life: 4 hours
Speed settings: 5, adjustable via push button on bottom side
Motor: 25 watt high torque motor
Color: Black
Housing material: PC-ABS plastic
Volume in operation: < 60 decibels
K-Active® CrossingGittertapes Dieses hautfarbene Crosstape, auch als Gittertape bekannt, ist mehr als ein Medizinprodukt: Es kann deine Schmerz- und Narbentherapie wirkungsvoll unterstützen.
Die dezente Farbe, der präzise Schnitt und die bewährte Qualität ermöglichen einen diskreten Einsatz an allen Körperstellen. Gittertapes werden oft eingesetzt beiSchmerzpunkten Muskelverletzungen Narben Rücken- und Gelenkschmerzen muskulären Verspannungen Kopfschmerzen Produktdetails: Farbe: Hautfarben Medizinprodukt Frei von Medikamenten Zusammensetzung: Celluloseacetatgewebe, Acrylkleber Latexfrei Erhältliche Größen: Größe M (180 Stück je Packung) Größe L (120 Stück je Packung) Größe XL (40 Stück je Packung)
Cryopush by K-Active® - The next generation cold and compression system
Background: Find out why cold and compression are so important after injury, surgery, and strain!
The importance of using cold and compression for pain and swelling after strain, injury or surgery is well known: Cold extracts energy from the affected area of the body to reduce inflammation. Cold also temporarily constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing blood flow and weakening inflammatory processes.
Compression helps to reduce swelling and thus increase mobility and ensure that the muscles can be controlled. In addition, pain triggered by swelling is reduced.
There is a solution to the problem of using cold and compression at the same time and in an optimal way: it is called Cryopush by K-Active®.
Here you can find the report about a patient and his progress in the therapy with the Cryopush after a total hip replacement.
What is Cryopush by K-Active®?
Cryopush consists of the so-called cooler and a cuff. Both parts are connected to each other by a tube.
The cooler is filled with - usually cold - water. If necessary, ice cubes or cooling packs can be added to further lower the temperature.
The water temperature can thus be controlled individually.
During the application, the water is pumped through the cuff via the hose to cool the corresponding body area.
At the same time, the cuff exerts compression on the body part.
Suitable cuffs for the ankle, knee, hip, spine, or shoulder can be connected.
What are the advantages of Cryopush by K-Active® compared to conventional treatment with ice packs and pressure bandages?
The Cryopush cuffs completely enclose the affected body part. All-round cooling and compression is thus optimally guaranteed.
A conventional ice pack can rarely sufficiently enclose or cover the affected area.
The applied cold can be individually adjusted: simply fill water at the desired temperature into the cooler.
Cryopush offers dynamic rather than static compression. By pulsing, fluids are more effectively transported out of the body area in general as well as via the lymphatic system.
The strength of the compression can be adjusted according to individual needs.
The Cryopush gives your patients a much more professional and high-quality impression than a cold pack attached with bandages.
To ensure that every part of the body can be optimally supplied with cold and compression, there is a suitable cuff for everyone. This enables optimal treatment of the foot, knee, hip, spine, or shoulder. What's more, Cryopush by K-Active® is quickly ready for use: use it in the cabin, practice, and clinic or even at home. Cryopush is ready when you are.
To suit your individual needs, you can choose from nine different programmes. They span three pressure levels (low, medium, and high) and allow for targeted treatment every time.
Tip: Rent Cryopush to your patients:
Provide your patient with optimal treatment, even at home.
Optimise the therapy result and thus the satisfaction of your patient!
Generate additional income along the way.
Product details:
Pressure level: 60 mmHg - 120 mmHg
Temperature level: 0° C - 25° C
Capacity of the cooler: 3.6 litres
Fill the compartment of the cooler with water (e.g., chilled or additionally with ice cubes).
Put the desired cuff on the affected body part.
Connect the cooler to the cuff via the hose.
Plug the power supply unit of the cooler into a socket.
Start the treatment with the desired programme.
Scope of delivery:
4 cuffs (ankle, knee, hip, shoulder)
Connection hose
Power supply unit
Carrying bag
User manual
A prospective, multi-center, randomised trial to evaluate the efficacy of a cryopneumatic device on total knee arthroplasty recovery
Cryocompression therapy after elective arthroplasty of the hip
The efficacy of combined cryotherapy and compression compared with cryotherapy alone following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Cryotherapy With Dynamic Intermittent Compression Improves Recovery From Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty
Cryotherapy with dynamic intermittent compression for analgesia after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Preliminary study
K-Active® Tape Classic Bunt 6er-Box – Set (10 Stück)Das K-Active® Tape Classic Bunt 6er-Box – Set (10 Stück) bietet dir 60 Rollen in allen verfügbaren Farben – jede Farbe ist zweimal pro 6er-Box enthalten. Dieses Set vereint Funktionalität und Farbvielfalt und ist die ideale Wahl für Therapeuten, Sportler oder alle, die gerne auf Vorrat kaufen. Die hautfreundlichen, wasserfesten und elastischen Tapes eignen sich perfekt für den Alltag, Sport und therapeutische Anwendungen. Mit lebendigen Farben, die Abwechslung und Freude bringen, setzt du optische und funktionale Highlights in Training und Therapie.
K-Active® Tape Elite 1er-Box bunt - Set (10 Stück)
Das K-Active® Tape Elite 1er-Box bunt - Set (10 Stück) bietet dir die perfekte Kombination aus Flexibilität, Halt und Hautfreundlichkeit in einem praktischen Multipack. Dieses Set enthält insgesamt 10 Rollen, darunter 4x Beige, 3x Gelb und 3x Orange – ideal für vielseitige Anwendungen und individuelle Präferenzen. Das K-Active® Tape Elite überzeugt durch seine STRATAGEL®-Technologie, die starken Halt bietet und dabei besonders hautfreundlich ist.
Ob bei sportlichen Höchstleistungen oder im therapeutischen Einsatz, das Tape Elite sorgt für optimalen Support und eine gezielte Unterstützung von Muskulatur und Gelenken.
VitaDots® PerformanceDie VitaDots® Performance sind für Personen konzipiert, die sich intensiv körperlich betätigen. Sie wurden so entwickelt, dass sie alle Faktoren positiv beeinflussen können, die für eine optimale Leistung entscheidend sind: Fokus, Kraft, Balance, Koordination und Muskelaufbau. Sie sind somit der ideale Begleiter für alle, die Spitzenleistungen erbringen möchten.Die VitaDots® bestehen aus weichem, hautfreundlichem Gel und haben einen Durchmesser von etwa 4 cm. Im Lieferumfang sind zwei VitaDots® Performance enthalten.Möglichkeiten der Anwendung:Die Schutzfolie abziehen und den VitaDot® im Fersenbereich auf die Innensohle des Schuhs kleben. Der Dot fungiert auch als Fersenpolster! Bei nachlassender Klebewirkung einfach mit warmem Wasser reinigen und trocknen lassen.VitaDot® unter die Innensohle des Schuhs legen, vorzugsweise im Fersenbereich.Die Dots entfalten ihre Wirkung innerhalb eines Radius von etwa 20 cm, daher können sie auch in die Socken gesteckt werden.Produktdetails: Lieferumfang: Klappschachtel mit 2 VitaDots® Performance Farbe: Grau Material: 100 % Polyurethan-Gel Durchmesser eines VitaDots®: 40 mm
Hinweis: Die beschriebenen Wirkungsweisen und potentiell medizinischen Anwendungsgebiete der VitaDots stammen aus der Komplementärmedizin und sind als Ergänzung zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Behandlungsmethoden der Schulmedizin gedacht. Die Aussagen beruhen derzeit nur auf Untersuchungen kleiner Kohortengruppen, Pilotstudien, Beobachtungsstudien und/oder Erfahrungsberichten. Insbesondere liegen aber keine Studien der Evidenzstufe Ib (methodisch hochwertige randomisierte placebokontrollierte Studien mit ausreichender Probandenzahl) oder gar der Stufe Ia (Metaanalyse auf Basis mehrerer methodisch hochwertiger Studien der Stufe Ib) vor, so dass die Funktionen der VitaDots und die beschriebenen Wirkungsmöglichkeiten in der Schulmedizin noch nicht ausreichend wissenschaftlich belegt sind und daher als umstritten gelten. Diese Informationen und die Anwendung der VitaDots sind kein Ersatz für eine professionelle medizinische Beratung. Die VitaDots sind kein Medizinprodukt. Wenden Sie sich bei Beschwerden immer an Ihren Arzt!
K-Active® Tape Classic 6er-Box Bunt – Set (5 Stück) – Das Black Week Bundle Mehr Farbe für deine Therapie und dein Training! Mit dem K-Active® Tape Classic 6er-Box Bunt – Set (5 Stück) erhältst du insgesamt 30 Rollen hochwertiges Tape in leuchtenden Farben – jede Farbe ist in einem 6er-Pack zweimal enthalten. Ideal für alle, die Wert auf Funktionalität, Abwechslung und Ästhetik legen.
Die Tapes sind hautfreundlich, wasserfest und atmungsaktiv, bieten optimalen Halt und sind perfekt für die Unterstützung bei sportlichen Aktivitäten, Regeneration oder therapeutischen Anwendungen geeignet. Dieses Set vereint Qualität, Vielfalt und Großzügigkeit in einem – perfekt für Therapeuten, Sportteams oder den eigenen Vorrat.
K-Active® Cohesive BandageSelbsthaftende BindeDie K-Active® Cohesive Bandage ist deine neue Binde zur Anwendung von dauerhafter Kompression. Sie ist selbstklebend und eignet sich besonders zur Versorgung geschlossener Verletzungen oder zur Fixierung von (Kühl-)Kompressen.
Ob im Sportverein, als Athlet oder bei der physiotherapeutischen Anwendung – diese Bandage gehört in jede Sport- und Betreuertasche.Produktdetails:Farbe: SchwarzElastischSelbstklebendUnsterilLeicht von Hand einreißbarInhalt: 24 Rollen pro BoxMaße je Rolle: 7,5 cm x 4,5 mMedizinproduktZusammensetzung: Polypropylen, NaturlatexkleberENTHÄLT NATURKAUTSCHUKLATEX, wodurch Allergien ausgelöst werden können
A must-have for every practice, medicine cabinet and sports bag: activated trace elements for the acute and initial treatment of open injuries (e.g. grazes, lacerations and cuts) and
First- and second-degree burns. The products of the K-Active® Vitality Line do not suppress the symptoms - they support the body
in its autorepair processes!
Tip: Very suitable for children and for sensitive skin.
Cleans the wound
Reduces bleeding
Prevents infections from
Reduces the swelling
Promotes healing
Without skin irritating substances
Can also be used on the mouth, eyes and mucous membranes or as an activation during sports. class 2A medical device.
The first tape for sensitive skin with STRATAGEL® adhesive technology
New: even sensitive patients can now be taped
More and more people suffer from sensitive skin. But also in certain situations in life, such as after operations, in lymph congestion (for example after cancer) and in chronic
Wounds etc., our "protective cover" needs a very gentle touch.
For this reason the company Nitto Denko has developed this new generation of adhesive. It enables the even gentler treatment of children, elderly people, diabetes, cancer and lymph patients
and for chronic wounds.
The hypoallergenic, skin-friendly tape conveys an extremely light feeling and thus a gentle sensory input.
Gentle - even when removing the tape
This is made possible by the completely new STRATAGEL® adhesive technology, which dissolves in itself and thus reduces skin irritation to a minimum. The dermatologically compatible
Quality of the K-Active Tape Gentle was confirmed in numerous test series.
The innovative therapeutic solution for sensitive skin!
excellent skin compatibility
non-irritating removal of the tape
Especially suitable for
every sensitive skin
the skin-friendly use, especially for children, elderly people, after operations, for lymph, cancer and diabetes patients and for chronic wounds
product details:
Content: 1 single roll
Dimensions: 5 cm x 5 m
Colour: skin coloured
The K-Active® TapeCare! Box
Bring order into your practice, the caregiver's case or your sports bag
You just don't want to succeed in keeping your kinesiologic tapes (also called "kinesio tapes") tidy and sorted? Then we have a solution for you: the
TapeCare! Box! The protective sleeves are ideal for the hygienic and safe storage of your tapes. The resulting
Order in your practice is a sign of therapeutic competence and inspires confidence in your patients.
TapeCare! is also available in your caregiver's case or sports bag Box also offers real added value: the "kinesio tapes" do not roll up,
Damage is prevented and soiling is a thing of the past.
The K-Active® TapeCare! Box - your daily companion for representative practice rooms and tapes in perfect condition.
Hygienic, practical and sustainable - these are the advantages of TapeCare! Box:
This protective cover prevents direct contact with the roll and thus the resulting or other soiling of the tape. Professionals
Hygiene in surgeries, hospitals and during sports!
The boxes can be placed next to each other or stacked on top of each other to save space. The mess of opened, rolled up rolls has an end!
The practical opening slot allows the required tap length to be pulled out quickly and easily.
The colour of the tape as well as the remaining amount of the roll can be seen at first sight through the transparent material.
The protective cover is ideal for keeping tape boxes, caregiver cases and sports bags tidy.
Product details:
Diameter: approx. 9 cm
Delivery without contents
K-Active® PretapeUnterzugbindeEntdecke unsere neue Unterzugbinde – der unsichtbare Schutz für deine Haut! Sie bietet den perfekten Schutz für die Haut bei der Anlage von Sporttapes oder anderen Klebebinden. Außerdem wird die Haut beim Abnehmen von klebenden Tapes nicht gereizt.
Bei Salbenanwendungen kann die Unterzugbinde verwendet werden, um die Kleidung zu schützen.
Alternativ kann das „Pretape“ auch zur Fixierung von Wundverbänden oder Kältekompressen verwendet werden.
Ob beim Training oder Wettkampf – die Unterzugbinde ist dein zuverlässiger Begleiter. In der praktischen Box mit 24 Rollen ist sie stets griffbereit.Produktdetails:Farbe: HautfarbenInhalt: 24 Rollen je BoxMaße je Rolle: 7 cm x 27 m
Medizinprodukt Zusammensetzung: Polyurethanschaum Latexfrei
K-Active® Tape Classic Blau 6er-Box – Set (10 Stück)Perfekt für Profis, Therapeuten und sportbegeisterte Anwender: Das K-Active® Tape Classic 6er-Box Set (10 Stück) bietet dir eine großzügige Menge an hochwertigem Tape in der beliebten Farbe Blau. Mit insgesamt 60 Rollen Tape bist du optimal ausgestattet – für den langfristigen Einsatz in der Therapie, Regeneration und im Sport. Das K-Active® Tape Classic überzeugt durch seine hautfreundlichen Eigenschaften, wasserfeste und atmungsaktive Materialien sowie eine starke Klebkraft. Entwickelt für höchste Ansprüche, bleibt es auch bei intensiven Aktivitäten an Ort und Stelle. Dieses Set ist die ideale Wahl, um deinen Vorrat aufzufüllen und für jede Herausforderung gerüstet zu sein. Nutze die Gelegenheit, deine Praxis, dein Team oder deinen privaten Vorrat mit diesem Set zu versorgen – ein Angebot, das du dir nicht entgehen lassen solltest.
In therapy with frequency-specific microcurrents, the electrodes are of great importance.
Here you can get the eletrodes as accessories - for example for your B-E-St device by JeeCee.
Product details:
Content: 4 pieces
Frequency specific micro currents with B-E-St by JeeCee
Therapy with frequency-specific microcurrents, which is already widely used in America, is also increasingly being used in Europe by innovative doctors and therapists
the aim of this form of therapy is to use microcurrents to provide natural support for the body's own processes in prophylaxis or sports
of autoreparative processes after injuries and operations.
You too can use this innovative opportunity to expand or optimise your therapy!
Advantages of B-E-St by JeeCee:
The device operates in the microampere range. This micro current occurs naturally in the body and enables, among other things, the increase of the
ATP production.
Note: Other devices often work in the milliampere range, which is much higher than the natural microcurrent in the body. This blocks the metabolism, among other things.
By using up to 4 channels simultaneously, the time saving is high.
The device offers 67 fixed therapy programs as well as the possibility of setting individual programs.
Advantage for the doctor or therapist: In addition to the therapy using the adhesive electrodes, you can also improve your therapeutic skills by means of hand electrodes and
Use glove electrodes on the patient and athlete.
The display shows the contact points for the adhesive electrodes.
Biofeedback: The graphic or numerical representation of the therapy results on the display makes the therapy verifiable. This is also
is often important for patients, as they usually do not feel the microcurrent.
A free and automatic polarization is possible.
Some experts are convinced of the treatment methods of micro current therapy. However, there is no clear scientific proof of its effectiveness.
Base stationThe base station is not only a stylish and safe place to store your physiokey or sanakey, but also serves as a charging station for the device. When you place the device on the base station, it is always charged and ready for use. This way you can always use the physiokey or sanakey optimally.
Charging station for your physiokey and sanakey
Secure stand for your device
Charging cable for connection to the mains power supply not included!
BIOSWING® feedback moduleThe feedback module for the Posturomed® 202 and the Posturomed® compact allows a more precise visual control of the vibrations of the therapy surface. This makes it easier for both the patient and the therapist to check whether certain exercises are being performed correctly or sufficiently.The feedback module consists of three red and three black plates. The black ones are attached to the vibrating surface on the front and both outer sides. The red counterparts are attached directly to the fixed part of the Posturomed® underneath the black plates. The black and red plates must each be installed so that they are exactly on top of each other.When the therapy surface vibrates during an exercise, the black plate also vibrates and you can see the "distance" to the red plate very well. This provides visual feedback on the movement and the direction of oscillation of the surface.The feedback module is useful to check the correct execution of exercises.Product details:
Scope of delivery: 3x black plate, 3x red plate.
Suitable for the Posturomed® 202 and the Posturomed® compact
Note: The black plate is used with the provocation module to attach the oscillating surface in a deflected position.
BIOSWING® Contact ModuleThe contact module is used to apply tactile stimuli and thus optimise the execution of exercises. It is also extremely helpful in combination with the rehabilitation module: When used appropriately, it generates additional resistance that significantly increases the range of exercises with the rehabilitation module.The contact module consists of two components:
The two steel sheets are attached to the railing of the Posturomed® 202. The notches allow the rubber bands to be attached.
A total of 4 rubber bands in two different lengths can be stretched as desired in and around the Posturomed® railing and attached to the notches of the steel sheets.
The contact module offers these possibilities:
Tactile feedback: The rubber bands can be used to control the range of movement during exercises. For example, the patient lifts his leg until his foot touches the band.
Resistance (especially in connection with the rehabilitation module): If a long rubber band is stretched completely around the railing, it can provide additional resistance during exercises with the rehabilitation module. Example: higher resistance during movements into adduction, abduction, extension or flexion.
Hurdle: The rubber bands can be attached at an appropriate height and serve as a hurdle, for example for a big step or a jump onto the swing surface.
Product details:
Scope of delivery: 2x steel sheets with notches, 2x long yellow rubber band, 2x short yellow rubber band.
Optimal training possibilities in combination with the rehabilitation module
Suitable for the Posturomed® 202
NOT suitable for the Posturomed® compact
BIOSWING® OSG moduleThe OSG module for the Posturomed® enables demanding exercises that stress both the upper and lower ankle. The sensorimotor stimulating movement impulses of the Posturomed® swing surface are also used outside the horizontal plane.The OSG module is a round plate with a diameter of 32 cm that is attached to the bolt circle of the Posturomed® 202 or Posturomed® compact by means of a plug-in connection.The module has a tilting axis whose angle can be adjusted on the underside. Depending on the setting, the footprint tilts by 7, 10, 15 or 20 degrees.Depending on how the module is aligned, the axis tilts to the right/left, front/rear or diagonally.Depending on the orientation of the module or the patient's foot on the module, the ankle joints can be provoked in their different functional axes for their stabilisation ability. Such exercises place higher demands on the stabilisation of the upper and lower ankle joint and are therefore mainly suitable for advanced practitioners, for well-stabilised patients or for athletes. In addition, the OSG module is used in neuro-orthopaedic rehabilitation and orthopaedics.Advantages:
Adds challenging exercises to the training spectrum.
Offers another level beyond the horizontal swing surface
Individual adjustment of the tilt angle to the individual patient
Quick and easy installation via plug-in connection on the bolt circle
Important: The adjustment of the tilt angle must always be adapted to the individual conditions of the patient. 7 degrees is the physiological maximum angle for medial and lateral gaping of the OSG. At 10, 15 or 20 degrees, on the other hand, there is a risk of overloading the capsular ligamentous apparatus of the OSG and USG if this is pre-damaged, e.g. after supination trauma.Product details:
Scope of delivery: 1x OSG module
Diameter of the standing surface: 32 cm
Tilt angle of the standing surface varies between 7, 10, 15 and 20 degrees depending on the setting
Installation by simple plug-in connection with the pitch circle of the Posturomed®.
Suitable for the Posturomed® 202 and Posturomed® compact
User manual
The Posturomed® 202 is the neuro-orthopaedic diagnostic, prevention and therapy device with a dosed damped unstable surface. This therapy surface is attached to special oscillating elements
which allow dosed damped evasive movements in a certain frequency range and with differently adjustable vibration amplitudes. Due to the dosed increase of the
proprioceptive, vestibular and optical afferences on the Posturomed® an optimal quality of postural actions and reactions can be worked out. This individually dosed
Activation of the segmental, sectoral and polysegmental coordination serves the optimal stabilization of the supporting joints and the spinal column. A stable postural system forms the
Basis of a painless and efficient movement system, especially for long lasting monotonous activities. The crosshairs located on the 60 x 60 cm therapy area with
Circle centring enables the user to visually orientate himself during training. This identification enables standardised test procedures such as the PosturoKybernetikTest
PKT. The enclosed intervention train enables on the one hand the manual calming of the therapy area by the therapist, on the other hand the targeted deflection of the therapy area for a
reactive training. The Posturomed® 202 can be supplemented by numerous additional modules, which significantly expands its already large spectrum of indications. Approved as a medical device in the class
BIOSWING® Posturomed® compactThe BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact is the "little brother" of the BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202 and is suitable for the same exercises to improve coordination and stability.The BIOSWING® Posturomed® by HAIDER® is a sensorimotor device for prevention, therapy and diagnosis. The therapy surface, also called the "swinging surface", is suspended on a double swinging mechanism. This enables dosed, damped pendulum movements. The oscillation amplitudes can be set differently.Through the dosed provocation of motor control and regulation from the somato-sensory system in a closed movement chain on the BIOSWING® Posturomed®, an optimal quality of postural actions and reactions can be worked out. This activation of segmental, sectoral and polysegmental coordination serves to stabilise the weight-bearing joints and the spine. A stable sensorimotor system forms the basis of a pain-free and efficient movement system.When should I choose the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact?The compact version of the BIOSWING® Posturomed® is particularly suitable when space conditions do not allow the stationary BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202 to be set up. With its therapy area of 40 x 40 cm, the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact takes up less space. In addition, it can be folded up quickly and easily and put to one side. If it is needed, it can be set up quickly in just a few steps and is ready for use.The BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact is also suitable for anyone who wants to use it in different places. Whether in different wards in the clinic or therapy centre, or even on the road: this Posturomed® is easy to transport and fits in any car boot.The advantages of the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact:
Takes up less space
Can be quickly folded up and put away
Is perfect for mobile use as it can be easily transported
Tip:If you have enough space for the BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202 and do not need it for mobile use, then we always recommend the BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202. With its larger therapy surface, it opens up more varied exercise options for you. It also has a 3-sided handrail (in contrast to the 1-sided handrail on the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact), which ensures more safety for the patient. Furthermore, more additional modules can be attached than with the compact version.Differences to the BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202:
Smaller therapy area: 40 x 40 cm instead of 60 x 60 cm
Handrail on one side instead of 3 sides
Lower weight: 27 kg instead of 42 kg
Handrail can be folded in
When folded, the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact can be easily transported using the carrying handle and castors.
Note:As the BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact and therefore also the therapy surface is smaller and lighter, the oscillation frequency is also slightly higher than with the BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202, resulting in a slightly more demanding situation for the patient.Product details:
Therapy surface / swinging surface: 40 x 40 cm
Weight: 27 kg
Foldable support railing on one side
Suitable for stationary and mobile use
Class 1 medical device
Certified according to MDR 2017/745
BIOSWING® Posturomed® user manual
BIOSWING® Provocation ModuleThe provocation module is an additional module for BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202 and compact.It enables recurring, exactly reproducible provocations to be administered to the patient.First, the provocation module itself is used to set whether the therapy surface is to be deflected by 10, 20 or 30 millimetres. Then the module is attached to the outside of the Posturomed®.In addition, both latches of the Posturomed® should be open so that the therapy surface can deflect by the corresponding 10, 20 or 30 mm.By means of the provocation module, the therapy surface is now deflected ("pushed to the side") and locked, i.e. "fixed". While the patient now stands on the therapy surface and, if necessary, performs a given exercise, the therapist can simply step on the outer part of the additional module. The therapy surface swings back to its starting or standard position in the middle and thus triggers a provocation. The patient has to compensate or stabilise this impulse.Depending on the patient's position on the therapy surface, the direction of the provocation also changes: For example, the muscles primarily used can be adductors, abductors, hip extensors or hip flexors.The advantage of the provocation module: The provocation impulses can always be reproduced exactly and the patient's reactions can be compared.Product details:
Scope of delivery: 1x provocation module
Deflection of the therapy area by 10, 20 or 30 mm
Suitable for BIOSWING® Posturomed® 202 and BIOSWING® Posturomed® compact
Note: If you also purchase a feedback module for your Posturomed®, only the red and black rocker switch is supplied. The black counterpart is then already included in the delivery of the feedback module.
User manual