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Markenheader BellaBambi

Bellabambi® by K-Active - the gentlest kind of cupping massage

Cupping without glasses and vacuum pump? The BellaBambi® silicone cups make it possible! The little massage helpers are perfect for a relaxing cupping massage at home and facilitate fascia massage in the practice. Because the big advantage over cupping glasses is: Thanks to the high-quality silicone, they are incredibly robust, durable, and easy to apply to the skin! Loosen your fasciae and muscular tensions over a large area with the products from BellaBambi® by K-Active.

Here you can find out more about our BellaBambi®.

BellaBambi® maxi solo
Durchmesser: Maxi 4,7 cm

BellaBambi® multi Set

BellaBambi® Cupping Oil Lavender

€26.99* €29.99* (10% saved)
BellaBambi® multi connecting hose

BellaBambi® multi double connection hose

BellaBambi® multi Application original ø 3.5 cm
Intensität: REGULAR (brombeere)
