Frohnradstraße 2
63768 Hösbach
Tel.+49 (0) 6021 62998-100
Fax +49 (0) 6021 62998-99
Resistance bands
Once you've discovered these practical fitness aids, there's no turning back (unless your resistance band pulls you back). The versatile, colourful training bands enable a varied workout with countless exercises. They come in a variety of designs and, in addition to the straight version, are also available as self-contained tubes or loops. Resistance bands support you during exercises, give you additional resistance during your workout and help you stretch. Tubes or resistance loops are your ideal training tool at home, in the gym or on the go! They make your workout more intense and are also easy to transport and super light.
Give your muscles a whole new stimulus with resistance bands from Thera-Band®, Blackroll® and Flexvit.