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Frank Römer's Practical Textbook on the FDM, first published in 2011, is now available in a new and revised edition. The book currently represents the best practical textbook on fascia
Distortion model there. Besides numerous illustrations of body language and treatment, the book also contains a CD-Rom with FDM techniques. This book is intended to help you to understand the Fascial Distorsion
Model in a simple and understandable way and complement the existing book by Stephen Typaldos. It is not intended to replace the FDM Practitioner training, but
serve rather as a reference book of practical and theoretical principles.
About the author
Frank Römer is an osteopath, physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and FDMO authorized FDM instructor. He worked for 5 years with top athletes of the sport promotion group of the German Armed Forces,
before he opened his practice in Wolfenbüttel in 2004. There he is primarily active in osteopathy with a focus on FDM and pediatric osteopathy. In 2009 he founded the IFO to offer fascial therapies
to make it better known in Germany. In 2012 he founded the "International FDM Organization". This organization has set itself the task of controlling and monitoring training in the FDM. He is an author
and editor of the first "Practical Textbook on the Fascial Distortion Model".
Language: German
The new method for loosening the fascia
Cupping in a modern way: The first well-founded cupping program for self-users
Cupping is known in German rather under the healing method "Cupping". Today, besides athletes like Michael Phelps and Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, many therapists also use the method
for relaxation and pain relief. Recently there are easy-care cups made of silicone, which are simply pressed together by hand and placed on the skin. They are unbreakable and easy to
clean. The negative pressure created by the cups releases tension, stimulates blood circulation, stimulates lymph flow and "massages away" pain. Furthermore, cupping activates the
Immune system and contributes to the relief of symptoms such as asthma, migraine, high blood pressure, digestive problems or burnout. The book "Cupping" offers a compact theoretical introduction
into this method and describes the different application techniques. In the last chapter the complaints from A to Z with their special cupping techniques are described step by step
and illustrated.
Product details:
128 pages
about 100 colour photos
ISBN: 978-3-8338-6611-1