K-Active Europe GmbH
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Underdraw bandages
The new method for loosening the fascia
Cupping in a modern way: The first well-founded cupping program for self-users
Cupping is known in German rather under the healing method "Cupping". Today, besides athletes like Michael Phelps and Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, many therapists also use the method
for relaxation and pain relief. Recently there are easy-care cups made of silicone, which are simply pressed together by hand and placed on the skin. They are unbreakable and easy to
clean. The negative pressure created by the cups releases tension, stimulates blood circulation, stimulates lymph flow and "massages away" pain. Furthermore, cupping activates the
Immune system and contributes to the relief of symptoms such as asthma, migraine, high blood pressure, digestive problems or burnout. The book "Cupping" offers a compact theoretical introduction
into this method and describes the different application techniques. In the last chapter the complaints from A to Z with their special cupping techniques are described step by step
and illustrated.
Product details:
128 pages
about 100 colour photos
ISBN: 978-3-8338-6611-1
BASKETBALL PERFORMANCE TRAINING - Athletiktraining und Rehabilitation für leistungsorientierte Basketballer
Im Basketballtraining reicht nicht allein Talent.
Es ist genauso wichtig, aus unseren körperlichen Voraussetzungen das Maximum herauszuholen und dabei die eigenen Stärken und Schwächen zu kennen.
Den entscheidenden Unterschied im täglichen Training macht die exakte Mischung aus basketballspezifischem Athletiktraining, Eisen stemmen, individuellen Work-Outs und klassischem Teamtraining.
Physiotherapeut und Athletiktrainer Lukas Lai zeigt dem Leser, wie er die richtige Balance findet und das Training mit Hilfe eines regelmäßigen Monitorings optimal zusammenstellt.
Das Buch ist ein praxisorientierter Ratgeber zur Leistungssteigerung, Regeneration und Rehabilitation im Basketballtraining.
ISBN 978-3-9482-7705-5
Erscheinungsdatum: 14.02.2020
Manual for bioadaptive impulse therapy with physiokey
Bioadaptive impulse therapy with physiokey® has become established in numerous clinics and practices over the last few years. Today, doctors and therapists from a wide range of disciplines are convinced of this form of therapy and use it daily.
The authors of the book, Susanne Lukas and Ulrich Scherer, MD, have played an essential role in the development of the therapy for years. So, it was a matter close to their hearts that with this book they build a bridge between practical teaching in seminars and self-study.
The handbook on bioadaptive impulse therapy for practice provides the most important explanations and application examples for bioadaptive impulse therapy with the physiokey®. In the book, the following therapy rules are explained in words and pictures on a total of 84 pages:
Introduction - what is physiokey?
Indications and non-application areas
Parameters in bioregulation mode
Reciprocal zones
Therapy sequence
General zones (bioregulation or diagnostics)
Muscle - fascia - joint
Scar therapy
Lymphatic methods
Drainage therapies
Special therapy algorithms
"The Resonance Effect" is both the author's story of her inspiring journey to have the courage to find her true destiny and a repor