Kinesiology tape ankle part 1

Lymph tape


Main application area

What you need

Duration of application

Ankle pain

Pain in the ankle joint is a common problem and can occur in different areas of the joint. They can manifest in the anterior, lateral, posterior area or in the entire ankle. This pain can occur acutely, often as a result of injuries such as sprains or overstrain. On the other hand, they may also be chronic and due to degenerative changes or repeated injuries. This can lead to severe restrictions on the mobility of the foot and cause symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, instability or reduced mobility.


General information


How does K-Active Tape help against ankle pain?

Tape ankle part 1 – Tips

Icon before activity
icon dry and clean skin
icon round off tape edges
icon rub over tape
icon not more than 7 days

Step by step tape tutorial

Siegfried BreitenbachAutor & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

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Ankle part 2

Kinesiology tape ankle part 1

Lymph tape


Main application area

What you need

Duration of application

Ankle pain

Pain in the ankle joint is a common problem and can occur in different areas of the joint. They can manifest in the anterior, lateral, posterior area or in the entire ankle. This pain can occur acutely, often as a result of injuries such as sprains or overstrain. On the other hand, they may also be chronic and due to degenerative changes or repeated injuries. This can lead to severe restrictions on the mobility of the foot and cause symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, instability or reduced mobility.


General information


How does K-Active Tape help against ankle pain?

Tape ankle part 1 – Tips

Step by step tape tutorial

Siegfried BreitenbachAutor & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

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Ankle part 2