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Keytec® – Bioadaptively controlled impulse therapy of the latest generation

Keytec®, a leading brand of bioadaptive pulse therapy, offers innovative solutions that can change your life. Keytec® products are designed to relieve pain, accelerate recovery and elevate well-being to new levels. The advanced technology and in-depth expertise in bioadaptive pulse therapy make Keytec® a trusted brand for healthcare professionals.
The electrotherapeutic devices in the Key series offer effective and user-friendly approaches to improving health in a bioadaptive way. From pain relief to rehabilitation, Keytec® has the solutions you need.

The physiokey® is used in bioregulation, diagnosis and keyphoresis. With bioadaptive-controlled impulse therapy, self-regulation in the body can be increased and the body's own healing processes activated. 80% of patients report the following clearly noticeable changes after treatment with the physiokey®:

✔️ Improved tension state of muscles

✔️ Rapid decrease in soft tissue swelling

Other goals of treatment with the physiokey® are:

✔️ rapid pain relief as well as

✔️ ean improvement in function.

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Keytec® – Bioadaptively controlled impulse therapy of the latest generation

Keytec®, a leading brand of bioadaptive pulse therapy, offers innovative solutions that can change your life. Keytec® products are designed to relieve pain, accelerate recovery and elevate well-being to new levels. The advanced technology and in-depth expertise in bioadaptive pulse therapy make Keytec® a trusted brand for healthcare professionals. The electrotherapeutic devices in the Key series offer effective and user-friendly approaches to improving health in a bioadaptive way. From pain relief to rehabilitation, Keytec® has the solutions you need.

The physiokey® is used in bioregulation, diagnosis and keyphoresis. With bioadaptive-controlled impulse therapy, self-regulation in the body can be increased and the body's own healing processes activated. 80% of patients report the following clearly noticeable changes after treatment with the physiokey®:

✔️ Improved tension state of muscles

✔️ Rapid decrease in soft tissue swelling

Other goals of treatment with the physiokey® are:

✔️ rapid pain relief as well as

✔️ ean improvement in function.

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Physiokey® Standard
The physiokey® can be used for patients of all age groups with a wide range of symptoms. The handy device uses biofeedback-controlled impulses to stimulate the Self-regulation. The influence on the autonomic nervous system and thus on the body's own adaptation and regulation processes strengthens the body's defences and shows the body a way to Self-healing. The aim of the therapy is a rapid relief of pain and improvement of function. The physiokey® combines three forms of application in one device: Bioregulation In this selection, the physiokey® works with bidirectional and adapted pulses. A total of 11 further special programs are available. Diagnostics In diagnostic mode, the physiokey® shows you by means of numerical values where a therapy promises the highest possible chances of success. Keyphoresis Keyphoresis is a kind of iontophoresis and allows the use of acidic and basic external agents. Product details: Dimensions: 185 x 51 x 28 mm (L x W x H) Connection: USB Charging time: 180 minutes Guy. Operating time: 6h (depending on mode) Scope of delivery: physiokey®, standard exchangeable head and charging cable with USB plug Optional: charging station. It provides a secure stand for storing your physiokey® . In addition, the battery is always optimally charged here so that your physiokey® is always ready for use.

Sanakey® Standard
Our goal: Your fast regeneration The sanakey activates the body's own regulation through bioadaptive impulses. By rejecting the impulse, influence is exerted on the vegetative nervous system and thus on the body's own adaptation processes taken. The immune system is strengthened and the body is shown a way to help itself. The technical principle: The sanakey emits an easily perceptible impulse to the skin surface. Your body resistances are absorbed by the device in a fraction of a blink of an eye. Thereupon the sanakey adapts to the body. This creates a kind of cycle that is repeated several thousand times every second and constantly adapts the impulses to your body. A second technique enables a flow of ions to be created via so-called "keyphoresis". By means of this galvanic pulse form, therapeutic creams and ointments, but also Work cosmetics deep into the skin. With the optional interchangeable heads, the device adapts optimally to your needs. Application areas: Therapy with the sanakey is mainly used for pain and functional disorders. Sports Injuries Back and joint pain Muscle dysfunction Tensions Complaints of the nervous system (neuralgia) Digestive tract complaints Urogenital problems The handy device:High-quality materials, such as gold contacts and surgical steel, as well as ASA, indicate the medical-technical origin. Outstanding design offers best handling which is guaranteed by the most modern technology, such as full-colour LCD monitor and touch screen, as well as high-quality lithium-ion battery is completed. Target group: Medical private users Scope of delivery: sanakey, charging cable, standard exchangeable head, teaching material

Your skin is multi-layered and the surface has various protective mechanisms. The weak electrical potential is an essential protective shield and is also like to understand some kind of lock. The dermakey+ now makes use of this property by building up a flow of ions that facilitates the access of active ingredients under the skin. Even those of your cosmetics! Areas of the skin in need of care have different line resistances. These resistances are recognized by the dermakey+ and the skin area is stimulated to develop its own To initiate the restoration process in the skin. In the second step the dermakey+ then establishes a connection to deeper structures such as the connective tissue matrix and to the interfaces of the neural network. The adaptively regulated Impulses activate the body's own regulatory processes. Application: The dermakey+ is designed primarily for cosmetic use. The dermakey+ has 2 different application methods, which can be used in daily Application can be connected alternately. Both forms are coordinated and combine cleansing, care, activation and support the use of high-quality cosmetics. Bioregulation mode In this setting the body's own regulation is activated by bioadaptive impulses. The impulse release influences the body's own adaptation processes. Keyphoresis mode In this setting is a modified type of iontophoresis, which helps to get your high quality cosmetics deep under the skin. Application areas: Skincare and Wellness Treatment of tissue weaknesses and cellulite Hint: Some experts are convinced of the treatment methods with dermakey+ and the corresponding therapy, but these are only a minority opinion. An undoubtedly there is no scientific proof of efficacy. Scope of delivery: dermaKey device, exchangeable head standard, charger, case, manual

Medkey Profiset, weiß/schwarz
medkey Profiset Erlebe mit dem medkey von keytec eine innovative Bioadaptive Impulstherapie, die die Grenzen des bisher Möglichen verschiebt und höchste Leistungsfähigkeit bietet. Dieses innovative Gerät ist der perfekte Begleiter für Ärzte und Therapeuten, insbesondere in größeren Einrichtungen. Mit seinem intuitiven IPS Fulltouch-Display, vielseitigen Therapieoptionen und hochmodernen Funktionen bietet der medkey ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in der medizinischen Versorgung.Der medkey assistiert durch präzise Dokumentation bei der Therapie von akuten und chronischen Schmerzen, muskulären Dysfunktionen sowie funktionellen Störungen. Mit dem Highpro Scanner und dem keypad erfasst du exakt, wie lange, wie erfolgreich und welche Stellen therapiert wurden. Vorteile: Drei neue Impulsspektren für eine noch individuellere Therapie Variabilität durch die Zusatzoptionen "soft" und "intensiv" für individuelle Patientenanpassung 30 voreingestellte Festprogramme und maximale Individualisierung durch persönliche Parameter Intuitives IPS Fulltouch-Display für eine spielerisch einfache Bedienung Induktionsladung für einfaches Aufladen, auch gleichzeitig mit Smartphone Lieferumfang: keypad Highpro-Scanner Standard-Wechselkopf Matrix-Wechselkopf Trigger-Wechselkopf Kamm-Wechselkopf Connector-Kabel Klebeelektroden Faszien-Flow Basisstation Ladekabel Koffer Bedienungsanleitung inkl. Lehrmaterial Produktdetails: Li-Ion Akku Technologie Maße: 195 x 55 x 38 mm (L x B x H) Bis zu 12 Stunden Laufzeit Gewicht: 220g 2,4" IPS Fulltouch-Display Induktionsladung mit Ladespannung: 5V +/- 0,5V max. Ladezeit: ca. 180 Minuten Farbe: Hybrid in Weiß, Schwarz und Grau mit hochglänzend polierter Ringelelektrode und dunklem Display Der medkey ist nicht nur ein technologischer Meilenstein, sondern auch eine fortschrittliche Option für die medizinische Versorgung. Greifen Sie jetzt zu und entdecken Sie eine neue Dimension der Therapie. Bestellen Sie Ihren medkey noch heute in unserem Online-Shop!

Physiokey® professional set
The physiokey® can be used for patients of all age groups with a wide range of symptoms. The handy device uses biofeedback-controlled impulses to stimulate the Self-regulation. The influence on the autonomic nervous system and thus on the body's own adaptation and regulation processes strengthens the body's defences and shows the body a way to Self-healing. The aim of the therapy is a rapid relief of pain and improvement of function. Application: The physiokey® combines three forms of application in one device: Bioregulation In this selection, the physiokey® works with bidirectional and adapted pulses. A total of 11 further special programs are available. Diagnostics In diagnostic mode, the physiokey® shows you by means of numerical values where a therapy promises the highest possible chances of success. Keyphoresis Keyphoresis is a kind of iontophoresis and allows the use of acidic and basic external agents. product details: Dimensions: 185 x 51 x 28 mm (L x W x H) Connection: USB Charging time: 180 minutes Guy. Operating time: 6h (depending on mode) Scope of delivery: physiokey®, charging cable, charging station, bag, teaching material, exchangeable head "Matrix", exchangeable head "HighPro", exchangeable head "Comb", exchangeable head "Trigger", exchangeable head "Connector". The charging station provides a secure stand for storing your physiokey® . In addition, the battery is always optimally charged here so that your physiokey® is always ready for use. The physiokey® Profiset includes all listed interchangeable heads. Also included are the charging station with power supply and the case. This way you save money compared to the Single purchase. Leasing agreement also possible on request. Please contact [email protected].

Base station
Base stationThe base station is not only a stylish and safe place to store your physiokey or sanakey, but also serves as a charging station for the device. When you place the device on the base station, it is always charged and ready for use. This way you can always use the physiokey or sanakey optimally.     Charging station for your physiokey and sanakey     Secure stand for your device     Charging cable for connection to the mains power supply not included!

Exchangeable head Connector Pads and electrodes
The connector allows the electrodes of the previous model to be connected. A variant of it allows the connection of adhesive pads and textile electrodes.

Case keyserie
Case keyserieThe keyserie case is the perfect storage space for the devices of the keyserie. You can store your physiokey, sanakey or dermakey safely in the case and also transport it. Nothing can happen to the device and you can take it with you wherever you go.     High-quality case for safe storage of your physiokey, sanakey or dermakey.

Fascia flow incl. case
From now on, the proven bioadaptive impulse therapy of your physiokey can be ideally combined with your manual techniques for fascia and trigger point therapy Thumbs! Increase the success of your treatment and relieve your hand. With this innovative extension for your physiokey you can treat with highest precision! With the Fascial Flow you achieve areas that are difficult to access or you use the tool very gently in the facial area. Gold on titanium steel always ensures perfect signal transmission and is even suitable for allergy sufferers compatible. Specially shaped electrodes enable exceptional signal transmission. The new fascia flow can be connected to your physiokey or sanakey, just like the proven exchangeable heads. The extremely robust fascial flow has been designed to withstand high pressure during treatment if necessary. At the same time, its special design provides a Feedback to the finger, which is significantly relieved due to the leverage effect. A rubber coating on the underside ensures optimum grip.

Manual for bioadaptive impulse therapy with physiokey
Manual for bioadaptive impulse therapy with physiokey Bioadaptive impulse therapy with physiokey® has become established in numerous clinics and practices over the last few years. Today, doctors and therapists from a wide range of disciplines are convinced of this form of therapy and use it daily. The authors of the book, Susanne Lukas and Ulrich Scherer, MD, have played an essential role in the development of the therapy for years. So, it was a matter close to their hearts that with this book they build a bridge between practical teaching in seminars and self-study. The handbook on bioadaptive impulse therapy for practice provides the most important explanations and application examples for bioadaptive impulse therapy with the physiokey®. In the book, the following therapy rules are explained in words and pictures on a total of 84 pages: Introduction - what is physiokey? Indications and non-application areas Bioregulation Parameters in bioregulation mode Diagnostics Reciprocal zones Electrodes Key-Phoresis Therapy sequence General zones (bioregulation or diagnostics) Muscle - fascia - joint Scar therapy Lymphatic methods Drainage therapies Special therapy algorithms

Hand comb
Hand comb Keytec's hand comb is specially designed to be used effectively on animals and dense scalp hair. Its robust, rounded tines ensure optimal skin contact. In addition, the hand comb features an ergonomic design that provides comfortable tactile feedback to the user's thumb while reducing stress from leverage. The rubber coating on the underside of the hand comb provides an excellent grip and allows for precise application. The hand comb is also equipped with increased protection against splashing water, which even allows for wet cleaning after use. During application, the Physiokey, Sanakey or Medkey can simply be placed in the included two-piece belt pouch, which is extremely convenient. This pouch also ensures optimal storage of the hand comb after use. Included in delivery are: 1 x hand comb including belt pouch. 14 rounded rods that can provide improved skin contact on hairy areas and animals   Suitable for Physiokey, Sanakey and Medkey

Adhesive electrodes
Adhesive electrodesYou can easily connect the adhesive electrodes to the Keyseries device via the connector cable. You can either use the adhesive electrodes as a counter pole to the textile products of Keytec or stick them directly on the part of the body to be treated. It is important that both connections of the cable are occupied. Two textile electrodes, two adhesive electrodes or one textile and one adhesive electrode can be used. As consumables, the adhesive pads can be used not only once but several times.     Adhesive electrodes for use with the physiokey, sanakey and dermakey     Can be used several times before they have to be replaced with new ones

Charging cable key series
Charging cableThe charging cable is suitable for charging the Keyserie devices physiokey, sanakey and dermakey. No matter which Keyseries device you own, you can reorder the charging cable here.     Replacement charging cable for your physiokey, sanakey or dermakey     Charging cable to plug into the Keyseries device or into the base station.

Textile elbow
Textile elbowThe textile elbow is suitable for targeted treatment with the Keyseries devices on the elbow. For this purpose, the therapist has to put the cover on the patient's elbow and can connect the electrodes of the textile elbow with the connector cable to the Keyseries device. It is important that both connections of the connector cable are occupied. The connection can be made either with two textile electrodes, two adhesive electrodes or one textile and one adhesive electrode.     Textile electrode for use on the elbow     The connection between the electrode and the device of the Keys series is established via the connector cable.

Textile electrode glove
Textile gloveThe textile glove enables you to treat the patient specifically with your hands. For the treatment you have to connect the electrodes of the textile glove to the device of the Keyseries. This is done via the connector cable. Please note that both connections of the connector cable are occupied. The connection can be made either by two textile electrodes, two adhesive electrodes or one textile and one adhesive electrode.     Enables targeted treatment of the patient with the hands     Connection to the Keyserie unit via connector cable

Textile Knee Electrode
Textile Knee ElectrodeThe textile knee is ideal for the treatment of the knee area with the devices of the Keyseries. The connector cable allows you to easily connect the textile electrodes to the Keyseries device. It is important that both connections of the cable are occupied. The connection can be made either with two textile electrodes, two adhesive electrodes or one textile and one adhesive electrode.     Textile electrode for use on the knee     Connection with the physiokey, sanakey or dermakey via connector cable

Textile sock
Textile sockThe textile sock is the perfect accessory for the treatment with Keyserie devices on the foot. To do this, you have to connect the electrode of the sock with the device via the connector cable. Please note that both connections of the connector cable are occupied. The connection can be made either by two textile electrodes, two adhesive electrodes or one textile and one adhesive electrode.     Textile electrode for use on the foot     Connection to physiokey, sanakey or dermakey via connector cable

Transport case
For a safe transport of your product of the key series as well as all interchangeable heads and the charging station with mains plug, this high-quality case is available.

Replaceable head Highpro
The products of the keyseries are equipped with an exchangeable head electrode. This makes them maximum flexible. As standard they have a round exchangeable head. Due to a Click mechanism, further interchangeable heads can be attached. Depending on the treatments you want to perform, the product adapts itself. The Highpro interchangeable head with its rectangular shape is ideal for precise measurement results without missing an area.

Replaceable head comb
The products of the keyseries are equipped with an exchangeable head electrode. This makes them maximum flexible. As standard they have a round exchangeable head. Due to a Click mechanism, further interchangeable heads can be attached. Depending on the treatments you want to perform, the product adapts itself. The comb change head consists of 41 rounded tines, which allows an ideal skin contact even with hairy skin areas and animal skins.

Replaceable head matrix
The products of the keyseries are equipped with an exchangeable head electrode. This makes them maximum flexible. As standard they have a round exchangeable head. Due to a Click mechanism, further interchangeable heads can be attached. Depending on the treatments you want to perform, the product adapts itself. The matrix exchangeable head is the right choice for the treatment of the myofascial system and in general for the therapy of the connective tissue.

Standard exchange head
Standard exchange headThe standard exchange head is a basic component for the physiokey, sanakey and dermakey. When you purchase a unit from the key series, the unit is regularly delivered with the standard exchange head. This way you can start therapy immediately. We also have the standard exchange head for reordering.     Standard exchange head for physiokey, sanakey and dermakey     Spare part for reordering

Replaceable head trigger
The products of the keyseries are equipped with an exchangeable head electrode. This makes them maximum flexible. As standard they have a round exchangeable head. Due to a Click mechanism, further interchangeable heads can be attached. Depending on the treatments you want to perform, the product adapts itself. According to its name, the trigger interchangeable head is mainly used in the area of deep-seated trigger points. At the same time, it is ideal for recording muscle strands. Due to its Forming, even the smallest structures can be achieved.


Areas of application: pain, back pain, neuralgia and more

The Keytec® key series offers a wide range of state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic devices for a variety of complaints. Whether pain, back problems, neuralgia or other health problems - the products in the Key series are versatile and enter into a direct dialog with the body by emitting and evaluating impulses. The therapy devices reliably find weak points and problem areas, which makes diagnosis much easier.

Intelligent bioregulation through advanced technology

The impulse therapy controlled by the device has a direct effect on the autonomic nervous system and promotes self-regulation in the healing process. The body is thus made aware of the respective problem more quickly and is given quasi-instructions for self-healing.

The Key series from Keytec® offers a wide range of state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic devices for a variety of complaints. Whether pain, back problems, neuralgia or other health problems - the products in the Key series are versatile and enter into a direct dialog with the body by emitting and evaluating impulses. The therapy devices reliably find weak points and problem areas, which makes diagnosis much easier.

The Physiokey® as a multifunctional all-rounder - Quality Made in Germany

The versatility of the Physiokey® allows for a wide range of treatment and diagnostic options. The direct feedback from the device enables a differentiated diagnosis and targeted treatment. Instead of groping in the dark, the therapist can start directly at the source of the discomfort. The treatment device, manufactured in Germany, helps to bring affected areas of the body back into the patient's individual body vibration and frequency, which can contribute to healing.

The multifunctional therapy device is therefore already being used in many different fields, including top-class sport, adaptive bioregulation, impulse therapy, orthopaedics and internal medicine. The innovative approach makes it possible to address health problems in a variety of ways and improve patients' quality of life. This makes the Physiokey® a valuable tool for health professionals in various medical specialties.

The areas of application are:

  • Pain, back pain, neuralgia
  • Complaints in joints, ligaments, muscles
  • Soft tissue swelling
  • Digestive tract: functional disorders
  • Chronic muscle and joint complaints
  • Respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis
  • and much more

After using the Physiokey®, an impressive 80% of patients report significant changes in their state of health.

This includes

  • improved muscle tone
  • a rapid reduction in soft tissue swelling
  • rapid pain relief and
  • an improvement in the function of affected body parts.

Iontophoresis – Keyphoresis: Get ointments and medicines quickly where they are needed

By means of ionophoresis or keyphoresis, active substances needed by the body can be transported quickly through the skin and into the depths by means of an electric field. The active ingredients only have to carry an electric charge themselves, so that they can be accelerated by the electric field generated by Physiokey®.

Sanakey® - Simple self-therapy at home

The Sanakey® has been specially developed for your own use and is a user-friendly device for health care in your own four walls. Its intuitive operation makes it possible to target various health problems. The handy device fits perfectly into everyday life and is also an ideal companion for sports and travel.

The innovative approach of Sanakey® makes it possible to address health problems in a variety of ways and improve the quality of life of the user. The device has been specially designed for the treatment of acute and chronic complaints. Sports injuries, back and joint pain as well as functional disorders and muscle tension are just a few examples of areas of application.

Dermakey® - The Key to Beauty

Dermakey® is the result of almost 20 years of experience in medical technology and has been specially developed for cosmetic applications. Its high-quality materials such as gold contacts, surgical steel and ASA make it a top-of-the-line product. The device combines two effective modes: bioregulation and keyphoresis. The bioregulation allows a dialogue with the body. The Dermakey® emits pulses that measure the skin’s resistance and identify different skin characteristics. It reacts to this and continuously adjusts the impulses, which not only controls local effects in the connective tissue, but also achieves a holistic, neuronal effect. This promotes skin health. For cream therapy, Dermakey® uses keyphoresis, an innovative transport technology. Their aim is to incorporate cosmetics such as creams, lotions or ointments into the skin faster and more intensively. In this way, the nourishing effect of the products can unfold optimally.