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Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 10

Taping ankle joint part 1

Lymph tape


Taping ankle joint part 1

Lymph tape


Taping ankle joint part 1

Lymph tape


Main application area

Overload pain
Strain elongation

What you need

1 tape strip:

1 x lymph tape (blue)

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.
* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.

Ankle pain

Pain in the ankle joint is a common problem and can occur in different areas of the joint. They can manifest in the anterior, lateral, posterior area or in the entire ankle. This pain can occur acutely, often as a result of injuries such as sprains or overstrain. On the other hand, they may also be chronic and due to degenerative changes or repeated injuries. This can lead to severe restrictions on the mobility of the foot and cause symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, instability or reduced mobility.

Sprunggelenk Schmerzpunkt

Ankle pain

Pain in the ankle joint is a common problem and can occur in different areas of the joint. They can manifest in the anterior, lateral, posterior area or in the entire ankle. This pain can occur acutely, often as a result of injuries such as sprains or overstrain. On the other hand, they may also be chronic and due to degenerative changes or repeated injuries. This can lead to severe restrictions on the mobility of the foot and cause symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, instability or reduced mobility.

Sprunggelenk Schmerzpunkt


General information

The ankle is one of the most complex joints in the human body and is essential for the movement of the foot. It is popularly referred to as the joint that makes the connection between the leg and foot. It consists of three main bones: the tibia (tibia), the fibula (fibula) and the anus (talus). All three are connected by numerous ligaments and tendons and help to create complex movements. Basic movements of the foot, including bending (dorsal flexion) and stretching (plantar flexion), can be performed in this way. These movements are essential for walking, running, jumping and balancing. In addition, especially the bands around the ankle are important for its stability. They help to keep the bones in place and prevent excessive movement that can lead to injury.

General information

The ankle is one of the most complex joints in the human body and is essential for the movement of the foot. It is popularly referred to as the joint that makes the connection between the leg and foot. It consists of three main bones: the tibia (tibia), the fibula (fibula) and the anus (talus). All three are connected by numerous ligaments and tendons and help to create complex movements. Basic movements of the foot, including bending (dorsal flexion) and stretching (plantar flexion), can be performed in this way. These movements are essential for walking, running, jumping and balancing. In addition, especially the bands around the ankle are important for its stability. They help to keep the bones in place and prevent excessive movement that can lead to injury.


Ankle pain can be triggered by a variety of causes, including:

  • Sprains: The most common causes of ankle pain include ligament injuries or sprains in which the ligaments are stretched, torn or torn.
  • Fractures: Bone fractures in the ankle area may cause severe pain.
  • Arthritis: Inflammatory diseases such as arthritis can lead to chronic pain and stiffness in the ankle.
  • Achilles tendon problems: Pain in the posterior ankle can be caused by Achilles tendon problems. 
  • Overload: Excessive exercise, poor foot biomechanics or prolonged standing can cause pain in the ankle.


Ankle pain can be triggered by a variety of causes, including:

  • Sprains: The most common causes of ankle pain include ligament injuries or sprains in which the ligaments are stretched, torn or torn.
  • Fractures: Bone fractures in the ankle area may cause severe pain.
  • Arthritis: Inflammatory diseases such as arthritis can lead to chronic pain and stiffness in the ankle.
  • Achilles tendon problems: Pain in the posterior ankle can be caused by Achilles tendon problems. 
  • Overload: Excessive exercise, poor foot biomechanics or prolonged standing can cause pain in the ankle.

How does K-Active® Tape help against ankle pain?

The K-Active® Tape can be a supportive measure in the relief of ankle pain. Especially in cases of swelling in the ankle, the lymphatic application can stimulate the lymphatic circulation. For example, the tape can help to drain excess fluid from the affected area and reduce swelling. Consequently, this may help to reduce the pressure on surrounding tissue and nerves, which may relieve pain.

How does K-Active® Tape help against ankle pain?

The K-Active® Tape can be a supportive measure in the relief of ankle pain. Especially in cases of swelling in the ankle, the lymphatic application can stimulate the lymphatic circulation. For example, the tape can help to drain excess fluid from the affected area and reduce swelling. Consequently, this may help to reduce the pressure on surrounding tissue and nerves, which may relieve pain.

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Achillessehne tapen teaserbild

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Taping akle joint part 1 - Tips

Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen
Icon trockene Haut
Icon Tapekanten abrunden
Icon ueber Tape streichen
Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Apply before activity

Dry & clean skin
Round off tape edges
Rub over tape after applying
Do not wear for more than 7 days
Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen

Apply before activity

Icon trockene Haut

Dry & clean skin

Icon Tapekanten abrunden

Round off tape edges

Icon ueber Tape streichen

Rub over tape after applying

Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Do not wear for more than 7 days

Step by step tape tutorial

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 1

➾ 1.

Begin by applying the lymph tape to the ankle by placing the base of the blue tape in the direction of the drain and peeling the release paper down to a small residue.

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 2

➾ 2.

Position the foot in dorsal extension and apply the rear reins without tension (0% stretch). 

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 3

➾ 3.

Bring the foot into plantar flexion and apply the front reins without tension (0% stretch). 

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 1

➾ 1.

Begin by applying the lymph tape to the ankle by placing the base of the blue tape in the direction of the drain and peeling the release paper down to a small residue.

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 2

➾ 2.

Position the foot in dorsal extension and apply the rear reins without tension (0% stretch). 

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 3

➾ 3.

Bring the foot into plantar flexion and apply the front reins without tension (0% stretch). 

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 4

➾ 4.

Position the foot in neural version (neutral position), with a slight inversion (minimally turned inwards), and apply the middle reins without tension (0% stretch).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 5

➾ 5.

The same application is done on the inside of the foot (medially on the foot).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 6

➾ 6.

Attach the upper reins without stretch (0%) .

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 4

➾ 4.

Position the foot in neural version (neutral position), with a slight inversion (minimally turned inwards), and apply the middle reins without tension (0% stretch).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 5

➾ 5.

The same application is done on the inside of the foot (medially on the foot).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 6

➾ 6.

Attach the upper reins without stretch (0%) .

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 8

➾ 7.

The same follows for the lower and middle reins of the tape (0% stretch).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 9

➾ 8.

This is what the finished lymphatic application looks like.

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 10

➾ 9.

😁 Et voilà! You’re done with the application on the ankle.

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 8

➾ 7.

The same follows for the lower and middle reins of the tape (0% stretch).

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 9

➾ 8.

This is what the finished lymphatic application looks like.

Lymphtape am Sprunggelenk Bild 10

➾ 9.

😁 Et voilà! You’re done with the application on the ankle.

Siegfried Breitenbach

Author & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

Meet the author ➾

Buy the product used

Use the K-Active® Tape Classic to achieve optimal support.

K-Active® Tape Classic 1-piece box


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