K-Active Europe GmbH
Frohnradstraße 2
63768 Hösbach
Tel.+49 (0) 6021 62998-100
Fax +49 (0) 6021 62998-99
Contact form
You have questions, wishes or suggestions?
Please get in touch with us! We would like to help you with words and deeds ...to stand aside.
- Do you have questions about a product?
- Does the ordering process cause problems?
- Do you have suggestions for improvement for the user-friendliness of our OnlineShop?
Alternatively you can reach us by post, phone & fax and by e-mail:
K-Active Europe GmbH
Frohnradstraße 2
63768 Hösbach
Phone: +49 (0) 6021 62998-100
Fax: +49 (0) 6021 62998-999
E-mail: info@k-active.com