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Rippe tapen Bild 6

Taping rib bruise


Kinesiology tape for neck pain


Taping rib bruise


Main application area

Rib bruise 
Rib fracture (after medical approval)

What you need

3 tape strips: 

1 x tape (pink) -> approx. 20 - 25 cm  
2 x tape (black) -> approx. 15 - 20 cm

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

Main application area

Rib bruise 
Rib fracture (after medical approval)

What you need

3 tape strips: 

1 x tape (pink) -> approx. 20 - 25 cm  
2 x tape (black) -> approx. 15 - 20 cm

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.
* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.

Rib pain (rib contusion)

A rib contusion is a common injury in which the soft tissue around the ribs is damaged by a direct blow or pressure. This injury can be caused by sports, accidents or falls. Typical symptoms are severe, stabbing pain in the chest area, which can be aggravated by breathing, coughing or movement. Causes of rib contusions include sudden impacts, bruising or intense physical activity that can lead to overuse of the chest muscles.

The healing process of a rib contusion can take several weeks, with rest and pain management being crucial. Kinesio taping can play a supportive role by increasing the stability of the affected area, relieving pain and promoting healing by improving circulation and lymph flow.

Schmerzpunkt Rippe

Rib pain (rib contusion)

A rib contusion is a common injury in which the soft tissue around the ribs is damaged by a direct blow or pressure. This injury can be caused by sports, accidents or falls. Typical symptoms are severe, stabbing pain in the chest area, which can be aggravated by breathing, coughing or movement. Causes of rib contusions include sudden impacts, bruising or intense physical activity that can lead to overuse of the chest muscles. 

The healing process of a rib contusion can take several weeks, with rest and pain management being crucial. Kinesio taping can play a supportive role by increasing the stability of the affected area, relieving pain and promoting healing by improving circulation and lymph flow.

Schmerzpunkt Rippe


General information on ribs and rib bruise

The ribs are bony structures which, together with the thoracic spine and the sternum, form the rib cage. They play a crucial role in protecting internal organs such as the heart and lungs and support breathing through their mobility. There are a total of twelve pairs of ribs, each of which is connected to the spine by joints. 

A rib contusion is caused by blunt force trauma that damages the surrounding soft tissue of the ribs without breaking the rib bones themselves. With a rib contusion, it is important to maintain pain management and adequate rest to aid the healing process.

General information on ribs and rib bruise

The ribs are bony structures which, together with the thoracic spine and the sternum, form the rib cage. They play a crucial role in protecting internal organs such as the heart and lungs and support breathing through their mobility. There are a total of twelve pairs of ribs, each of which is connected to the spine by joints. 

A rib contusion is caused by blunt force trauma that damages the surrounding soft tissue of the ribs without breaking the rib bones themselves. With a rib contusion, it is important to maintain pain management and adequate rest to aid the healing process.

Causes of rib pain

Rib pain can be triggered by various factors that affect the soft tissue and bony structures of the ribs. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Blunt force trauma: Direct trauma from blows, falls or car accidents can cause bruising or even fractures of the ribs. Such injuries often lead to immediate pain and swelling.
  • Muscle overload: Intense physical activity or repetitive movements, such as in certain sports or work, can lead to muscle strains and overuse of the intercostal muscles. This overuse causes pain and can impair breathing.
  • Rib fractures: A rib fracture is usually caused by strong external impact or chronic strain. Rib fractures cause severe pain, which worsens with movement and breathing.
  • Costochondritis: This is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum. Costochondritis causes pain in the chest area, which is often described as stabbing and intensifies when pressure is applied to the affected area.
  • Nerve compression: Pinched or irritated nerves, as in intercostal neuralgia, can cause severe, burning pain that runs along the ribs. This pain is often aggravated by movement or pressure on the affected area.
  • Psychological factors: Stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension in the chest and back, leading to pain that is sometimes experienced as rib pain.

Causes of rib pain

Rib pain can be triggered by various factors that affect the soft tissue and bony structures of the ribs. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Blunt force trauma: Direct trauma from blows, falls or car accidents can cause bruising or even fractures of the ribs. Such injuries often lead to immediate pain and swelling.
  • Muscle overload: Intense physical activity or repetitive movements, such as in certain sports or work, can lead to muscle strains and overuse of the intercostal muscles. This overuse causes pain and can impair breathing.
  • Rib fractures: A rib fracture is usually caused by strong external impact or chronic strain. Rib fractures cause severe pain, which worsens with movement and breathing.
  • Costochondritis: This is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum. Costochondritis causes pain in the chest area, which is often described as stabbing and intensifies when pressure is applied to the affected area.
  • Nerve compression: Pinched or irritated nerves, as in intercostal neuralgia, can cause severe, burning pain that runs along the ribs. This pain is often aggravated by movement or pressure on the affected area.
  • Psychological factors: Stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension in the chest and back, leading to pain that is sometimes experienced as rib pain.

How does K-Active® Tape help with rib pain?

K-Active® Tape can be used effectively for rib pain by stabilizing and supporting the affected area. The elastic and self-adhesive properties of the tape relieve pressure on the rib muscles and surrounding tissue, relieving pain and promoting healing. The tape gently lifts the skin, stimulating the sensory receptors and reducing the perception of pain. The tape also improves circulation and lymph flow, reducing swelling and inflammation. The improved proprioception helps to correct incorrect posture and prevent further injuries while maintaining freedom of movement.

How does K-Active® Tape help with rib pain?

K-Active® Tape can be used effectively for rib pain by stabilizing and supporting the affected area. The elastic and self-adhesive properties of the tape relieve pressure on the rib muscles and surrounding tissue, relieving pain and promoting healing. The tape gently lifts the skin, stimulating the sensory receptors and reducing the perception of pain. The tape also improves circulation and lymph flow, reducing swelling and inflammation. The improved proprioception helps to correct incorrect posture and prevent further injuries while maintaining freedom of movement.

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Taping rib - Tips

Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen
Icon trockene Haut
Icon Tapekanten abrunden
Icon ueber Tape streichen
Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Apply before activity

Dry & clean skin
Round off tape edges
Rub over tape after applying
Do not wear for more than 7 days
Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen

Apply before activity

Icon trockene Haut

Dry & clean skin

Icon Tapekanten abrunden

Round off tape edges

Icon ueber Tape streichen

Rub over tape after applying

Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Do not wear for more than 7 days

Step by step tape tutorial

Rippe tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the tape strip by holding the tape from the back of the ribcage to the front of the ribcage. Tear the release paper in the middle and apply the base of the tape strip with slight tension (25% stretch) along the rib.

Rippe tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Let the ends of the tape run out without tension (0% stretch).

Rippe tapen Bild 3

➾ 3.

Smooth out the tape to activate it.

Rippe tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the tape strip by holding the tape from the back of the ribcage to the front of the ribcage. Tear the release paper in the middle and apply the base of the tape strip with slight tension (25% stretch) along the rib.

Rippe tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Let the ends of the tape run out without tension (0% stretch).

Rippe tapen Bild 3

➾ 3.

Smooth out the tape to activate it.

Rippe tapen Bild 4

➾ 4.

Tear the release paper in the middle again and apply the second tape rein, also with slight tension (25% stretch). Let the ends of the tape run out without pulling. The second rein should run across the first strip of tape.

Rippe tapen Bild 5

➾ 5.

Smooth out the tape again to activate it..

Rippe tapen Bild 6

➾ 6.

Now apply the second black tape strip slightly offset.

Rippe tapen Bild 4

➾ 4.

Tear the release paper in the middle again and apply the second tape rein, also with slight tension (25% stretch). Let the ends of the tape run out without pulling. The second rein should run across the first strip of tape.

Rippe tapen Bild 5

➾ 5.

Smooth out the tape again to activate it..

Rippe tapen Bild 6

➾ 6.

Now apply the second black tape strip slightly offset.

Rippe tapen Bild 7

➾ 7.

Let the ends run out again without tension (0% stretch).

Rippe tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

😁 The tape application on the ribs is finished.

Rippe tapen Bild 7

➾ 7.

Let the ends run out again without tension (0% stretch).

Rippe tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

😁 The tape application on the ribs is finished.

Siegfried Breitenbach

Author & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

Meet the author ➾

Buy the product used

Use the K-Active® Tape Classic to achieve optimal support.

K-Active® Tape Classic 1-piece box


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