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Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 15

Taping lower back

Sacrospinal system


Taping lower back

Sacrospinal system


Taping lower back

Sacrospinal system


Main application area

Lumbar spine complaints
Muscle tension

What you need

4 tape strips: 

1 x y-shaped tape (blue)
3 x tape (pink)

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

Main application area

Lumbar spine complaints
Muscle tension

What you need

4 tape strips: 

1 x y-shaped tape (blue)
3 x tape (pink)

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.
* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.

Lower back pain

The lower back is a region that causes discomfort and pain in many people. This pain is also known as low back pain or lumbar spine pain and is one of the most common health complaints in the world. About 80% of people experience lower back pain at least once in their lives. These pain can range from pulling, stabbing, or dull pain to severe, limiting pain. They may be limited to the lower back or radiate to other areas of the body, such as the leg (sciatic pain). Accompanying symptoms may include muscle tension, stiffness, numbness or tingling.

Unterer Ruecken Schmerzpunkt

Lower back pain

The lower back is a region that causes discomfort and pain in many people. This pain is also known as low back pain or lumbar spine pain and is one of the most common health complaints in the world. About 80% of people experience lower back pain at least once in their lives. These pain can range from pulling, stabbing, or dull pain to severe, limiting pain. They may be limited to the lower back or radiate to other areas of the body, such as the leg (sciatic pain). Accompanying symptoms may include muscle tension, stiffness, numbness or tingling.

Unterer Ruecken Schmerzpunkt


General information

The lower back, also known as the lumbar spine or lumbar region, is an important part of the spine. It consists of a total of five lower vertebrae, the so-called lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5). The lower back plays an important role in supporting body weight and maintaining an upright posture. It is particularly prone to stress and injury, as it carries most of the body weight. Furthermore, the lower back enables movements such as bending, turning and bending and thus many daily activities

General information

The lower back, also known as the lumbar spine or lumbar region, is an important part of the spine. It consists of a total of five lower vertebrae, the so-called lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5). The lower back plays an important role in supporting body weight and maintaining an upright posture. It is particularly prone to stress and injury, as it carries most of the body weight. Furthermore, the lower back enables movements such as bending, turning and bending and thus many daily activities


Here are some possible causes of lower back pain:

  • Muscle tension and strain: Common cause of lower back pain, often caused by excessive strain or unfavorable movements.
  • Herniated discs: As soon as the soft core of a disc protrudes between the vertebrae and presses on nerves, this can cause pain and cause a herniated disc.
  • Osteoarthritis: Degenerative changes of the spine (arthritis) in old age can cause pain.
  • Incorrect posture and poor ergonomics: Poor posture, especially during sedentary activity, can lead to chronic lower back pain.
  • Injuries: Accidents, falls or sports injuries can cause acute back pain.
  • Overweight: A high body weight can increase the load on the lower back.


Here are some possible causes of lower back pain:

  • Muscle tension and strain: Common cause of lower back pain, often caused by excessive strain or unfavorable movements.
  • Herniated discs: As soon as the soft core of a disc protrudes between the vertebrae and presses on nerves, this can cause pain and cause a herniated disc.
  • Osteoarthritis: Degenerative changes of the spine (arthritis) in old age can cause pain.
  • Incorrect posture and poor ergonomics: Poor posture, especially during sedentary activity, can lead to chronic lower back pain.
  • Injuries: Accidents, falls or sports injuries can cause acute back pain.
  • Overweight: A high body weight can increase the load on the lower back.

How does K-Active® Tape help against lower back pain?

The K-Active® Tape can be used to support back problems in the lower back. It works by adhering to the skin and exerting a slight tensile tension on the skin and the underlying layers of tissue. It provides proprioceptive support, which means that it can improve the body’s perception of movement and positioning and thus contribute to the stabilization of the lower back. Furthermore, a tape system on the lower back can improve freedom of movement and support rehabilitation.

How does K-Active® Tape help against lower back pain?

The K-Active® Tape can be used to support back problems in the lower back. It works by adhering to the skin and exerting a slight tensile tension on the skin and the underlying layers of tissue. It provides proprioceptive support, which means that it can improve the body’s perception of movement and positioning and thus contribute to the stabilization of the lower back. Furthermore, a tape system on the lower back can improve freedom of movement and support rehabilitation.

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Taping lower back - Tips

Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen
Icon trockene Haut
Icon Tapekanten abrunden
Icon ueber Tape streichen
Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Apply before activity

Dry & clean skin
Round off tape edges
Rub over tape after applying
Do not wear for more than 7 days
Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen

Apply before activity

Icon trockene Haut

Dry & clean skin

Icon Tapekanten abrunden

Round off tape edges

Icon ueber Tape streichen

Rub over tape after applying

Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Do not wear for more than 7 days

Step by step tutorial

Muscle technique

Muscle technique

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the blue tape in the bent-over posture (stretching of the structures). Then stick the base in the area of the sacrum (sacrum).

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Remove the tape from the release paper on the underside and “tap” it lightly on the back.

Navigation unteren Rücken tapen

➾ 3.

Now apply the first rein without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the blue tape in the bent-over posture (stretching of the structures). Then stick the base in the area of the sacrum (sacrum).

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Remove the tape from the release paper on the underside and “tap” it lightly on the back.

Navigation unteren Rücken tapen

➾ 3.

Now apply the first rein without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 13

➾ 4.

Analogously apply the second rein without tension. Leave the paper at the ends of the tape

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 4

➾ 5.

Go to basic position (upright) to check the application.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 5

➾ 6.

Return to a bent-over position and loosen the ends of the release paper. Apply without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 13

➾ 4.

Analogously apply the second rein without tension. Leave the paper at the ends of the tape

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 4

➾ 5.

Go to basic position (upright) to check the application.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 5

➾ 6.

Return to a bent-over position and loosen the ends of the release paper. Apply without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 6

➾ 7.

Rub the tape in the middle in all directions.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

At the ends – hold the tape with one hand – and rub only in one direction. The other hand fixates on top.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 7

➾ 9.

Now rub the top left end of the tape in one direction. The other hand fixes the tape at the bottom.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 6

➾ 7.

Rub the tape in the middle in all directions.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

At the ends – hold the tape with one hand – and rub only in one direction. The other hand fixates on top.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 7

➾ 9.

Now rub the top left end of the tape in one direction. The other hand fixes the tape at the bottom.

Ligament technique

Ligament technique

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 9

➾ 10.

Measure the pink tape according to the length and stretch as needed.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 10

➾ 11.

Apply the tape in pre-stretch position (muscle technique).

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 11

➾ 12.

Attach tape ends (anchors) without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 9

➾ 10.

Measure the pink tape according to the length and stretch as needed.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 10

➾ 11.

Apply the tape in pre-stretch position (muscle technique).

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 11

➾ 12.

Attach tape ends (anchors) without tension.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 12

➾ 13.

Check finished application in basic position.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 13

➾ 14.

Apply second pink tape strip slightly offset.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 14

➾ 15.

Now apply the third tape analogously.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 12

➾ 13.

Check finished application in basic position.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 13

➾ 14.

Apply second pink tape strip slightly offset.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 14

➾ 15.

Now apply the third tape analogously.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 15

➾ 16.

  😁 The application in completed!

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Unteren Ruecken tapen Bild 15

➾ 16.

  😁 The application in completed!

Siegfried Breitenbach

Author & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

Meet the author ➾

Buy the product used

Use the K-Active® Tape Classic to achieve optimal support.

K-Active® Tape Classic 1-piece box


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