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Hamstring tapen Bild 15

Taping posterior thigh
(Hamstring taping)


Kinesiology tape for neck pain


Taping posterior thigh
(Hamstring taping)


Main application area

Strained hamstring
Muscle hardening
Sore muscles

What you need

2 tape strips: 

1 x tape (black) -> approx. 40 cm

2 x Tape (blau) -> ca. 30-40 cm

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

Main application area

Strained hamstring
Muscle hardening
Sore muscles

What you need

2 tape strips: 

1 x tape (black) -> approx. 40 cm

2 x Tape (blau) -> ca. 30-40 cm

Duration of application

Up to 7 days

* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.
* The lengths of the tape strips are approximate and are based on an average height of 170 cm. The required tape lengths may vary depending on the individual height and specific proportions of the user.

Pain in the back of the thigh (hamstring pain)

Pain in the back of the thigh, also known as hamstring pain, is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. The hamstring muscles consist of three main muscles that enable movements such as bending the knee and extending the hip. Causes of hamstring pain are varied and can include muscle strains, overuse from sports activities, tendonitis and injuries such as muscle fiber tears. Symptoms often include pain in the back of the thigh, which can radiate to the buttocks or the back of the knee, as well as stiffness and limited mobility.

Schmerzpunkt Hamstring

Pain in the back of the thigh (hamstring pain)

Pain in the back of the thigh, also known as hamstring pain, is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. The hamstring muscles consist of three main muscles that enable movements such as bending the knee and extending the hip. Causes of hamstring pain are varied and can include muscle strains, overuse from sports activities, tendonitis and injuries such as muscle fiber tears. Symptoms often include pain in the back of the thigh, which can radiate to the buttocks or the back of the knee, as well as stiffness and limited mobility.

Schmerzpunkt Hamstring


General information on the hamstring

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles on the back of the thigh, consisting of the biceps femoris muscle, the semitendinosus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle. The interaction of these muscles is responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip and play an essential role in activities such as running and jumping. The hamstrings connect the pelvis to the lower leg and are surrounded by a strong tendon and ligament structure that ensures stability and flexibility. Well-trained and stretched hamstring muscles are crucial for preventing injury and maintaining leg mobility and strength.

General information on the hamstring

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles on the back of the thigh, consisting of the biceps femoris muscle, the semitendinosus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle. The interaction of these muscles is responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip and play an essential role in activities such as running and jumping. The hamstrings connect the pelvis to the lower leg and are surrounded by a strong tendon and ligament structure that ensures stability and flexibility. Well-trained and stretched hamstring muscles are crucial for preventing injury and maintaining leg mobility and strength.

Causes of pain in the back of the thigh (hamstring pain)

Back thigh pain can be caused by a variety of factors that affect the soft tissues and muscles of the back of the thigh. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Muscle overuse and strain: Intense physical activity or repetitive movements, such as in certain sports or work, can lead to overuse and strain of the hamstring muscles. This overuse causes pain and can impair mobility.
  • Injuries: Sudden movements or falls can lead to acute injuries to the hamstrings, such as muscle tears or strains. These injuries often occur in sports that require quick sprints or abrupt stops.
  • Muscular imbalances: Uneven loading of the leg muscles, often due to inadequate training or uneven muscle development, can lead to tension and pain in the hamstrings.
  • Nerve irritation: Pinched or irritated nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, can cause severe radiating pain along the hamstrings. This pain is often aggravated by movement or pressure on the affected area.
  • Lack of flexibility: Insufficient stretching and flexibility of the hamstring muscles can lead to tension and pain, especially during sudden or intense movements.
  • Overuse: Long-term, repetitive strain without sufficient recovery periods can cause chronic pain and inflammation in the hamstrings.

Causes of pain in the back of the thigh (hamstring pain)

Back thigh pain can be caused by a variety of factors that affect the soft tissues and muscles of the back of the thigh. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Muscle overuse and strain: Intense physical activity or repetitive movements, such as in certain sports or work, can lead to overuse and strain of the hamstring muscles. This overuse causes pain and can impair mobility.
  • Injuries: Sudden movements or falls can lead to acute injuries to the hamstrings, such as muscle tears or strains. These injuries often occur in sports that require quick sprints or abrupt stops.
  • Muscular imbalances: Uneven loading of the leg muscles, often due to inadequate training or uneven muscle development, can lead to tension and pain in the hamstrings.
  • Nerve irritation: Pinched or irritated nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, can cause severe radiating pain along the hamstrings. This pain is often aggravated by movement or pressure on the affected area.
  • Lack of flexibility: Insufficient stretching and flexibility of the hamstring muscles can lead to tension and pain, especially during sudden or intense movements.
  • Overuse: Long-term, repetitive strain without sufficient recovery periods can cause chronic pain and inflammation in the hamstrings.

How does K-Active® Tape help for hamstring pain?

K-Active® Tape provides targeted support for hamstring pain by stabilizing and relieving the affected area. The elastic properties of the tape allow it to adapt to the movements of the muscles without restricting freedom of movement. This supports the muscles and reduces the strain on the hamstrings. The gentle lifting of the skin by the tape promotes blood circulation and lymph flow, which reduces swelling and inflammation. At the same time, the tape stimulates the sensory receptors, which helps to reduce the perception of pain. This multifunctional effect of K-Active® tape helps to speed up the healing process and prevent re-injury.

How does K-Active® Tape help for hamstring pain?

K-Active® Tape provides targeted support for hamstring pain by stabilizing and relieving the affected area. The elastic properties of the tape allow it to adapt to the movements of the muscles without restricting freedom of movement. This supports the muscles and reduces the strain on the hamstrings. The gentle lifting of the skin by the tape promotes blood circulation and lymph flow, which reduces swelling and inflammation. At the same time, the tape stimulates the sensory receptors, which helps to reduce the perception of pain. This multifunctional effect of K-Active® tape helps to speed up the healing process and prevent re-injury.

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Achillessehne tapen teaserbild

K-Active® Premium Tapes

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Taping hamstring- Tips

Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen
Icon trockene Haut
Icon Tapekanten abrunden
Icon ueber Tape streichen
Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Apply before activity

Dry & clean skin
Round off tape edges
Rub over tape after applying
Do not wear for more than 7 days
Icon 1 h vor Aktivitaet anbringen

Apply before activity

Icon trockene Haut

Dry & clean skin

Icon Tapekanten abrunden

Round off tape edges

Icon ueber Tape streichen

Rub over tape after applying

Icon bis zu 7 Tage

Do not wear for more than 7 days

Step by step tape tutorial

Variant 1

Tape application on the hamstring with Y-shaped tape

Variant 1

Tape application on the hamstring with Y-shaped tape

Hamstring tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the tape strip by holding the tape from the underside of the knee to the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Apply the base of the tape strip without tension (0% stretch) just below the knee (patella).

Hamstring tapen Bild 3

➾ 3.

Slowly peel off the protective paper on both sides of the tape while pulling the tape slightly (10-15% stretch) backwards and upwards towards the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 1

➾ 1.

Measure the length of the tape strip by holding the tape from the underside of the knee to the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 2

➾ 2.

Apply the base of the tape strip without tension (0% stretch) just below the knee (patella).

Hamstring tapen Bild 3

➾ 3.

Slowly peel off the protective paper on both sides of the tape while pulling the tape slightly (10-15% stretch) backwards and upwards towards the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 4

➾ 4.

Tape both ends of the tape at the level of the lower third of the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 5

➾ 5.

Now apply the base of the blue tape strip below the large gluteal muscle.

Hamstring tapen Bild 6

➾ 6.

While bending forward, apply the first rein of the tape without tension (0% stretch) along the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 4

➾ 4.

Tape both ends of the tape at the level of the lower third of the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 5

➾ 5.

Now apply the base of the blue tape strip below the large gluteal muscle.

Hamstring tapen Bild 6

➾ 6.

While bending forward, apply the first rein of the tape without tension (0% stretch) along the back of the thigh.

Hamstring tapen Bild 7

➾ 7.

Apply the second rein in the same way.

Hamstring tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

Now smooth everything out again and activate..

Hamstring tapen Bild 9

➾ 9.

😁 The application on the hamstring is complete.

Hamstring tapen Bild 7

➾ 7.

Apply the second rein in the same way.

Hamstring tapen Bild 8

➾ 8.

Now smooth everything out again and activate..

Hamstring tapen Bild 9

➾ 9.

😁 The application on the hamstring is complete.

Variant 2

Tape application on the hamstring with two strips of tape

Variant 2

Tape application on the hamstring with two strips of tape

Hamstring tapen Bild 10

➾ 4.

Carry out steps 1 - 4 as before. Then tape the base of both tape strips underneath the gluteal muscle.

Hamstring tapen Bild 11

➾ 5.

While bending forward, first apply the left strip of tape along the thigh without stretch (0%) .

Hamstring tapen Bild 12

➾ 6.

Apply the right tape in the same way

Hamstring tapen Bild 10

➾ 4.

Carry out steps 1 - 4 as before. Then tape the base of both tape strips underneath the gluteal muscle.

Hamstring tapen Bild 11

➾ 5.

While bending forward, first apply the left strip of tape along the thigh without stretch (0%) .

Hamstring tapen Bild 12

➾ 6.

Apply the right tape in the same way

Hamstring tapen Bild 13

➾ 4.

To activate the tape and improve adhesion, stroke over the two tapes again.

Hamstring tapen Bild 15

➾ 5.

😁 Variant 2 for applying tape to the back of the thigh is finished..

Hamstring tapen Bild 13

➾ 4.

To activate the tape and improve adhesion, stroke over the two tapes again.

Hamstring tapen Bild 15

➾ 5.

😁 Variant 2 for applying tape to the back of the thigh is finished..

Siegfried Breitenbach

Author & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

Meet the author ➾

Buy the product used

Use the K-Active® Tape Classic to achieve optimal support.

K-Active® Tape Classic 1-piece box


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