Kinesiology tape upper back


Main application area

What you need

Duration of application

Upper back pain

Upper back pain (thoracic spine) is less common than neck or lower back pain, but can cause significant discomfort. It often manifests as stiffness, discomfort or pain in the thoracic spine. Typical symptoms may include tension in the back muscles, limited range of motion, and occasionally pain radiating to the neck, shoulders, or arms.


General information


How does K-Active Tape help with upper back pain (chest spine)?

Taping upper back – Tips

Icon before activity
icon dry and clean skin
icon round off tape edges
icon rub over tape
icon not more than 7 days

Step by step tape tutorial

Siegfried BreitenbachAutor & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

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Lower back

Kinesiology tape upper back


Main application area

What you need

Duration of application

Upper back pain

Upper back pain (thoracic spine) is less common than neck or lower back pain, but can cause significant discomfort. It often manifests as stiffness, discomfort or pain in the thoracic spine. Typical symptoms may include tension in the back muscles, limited range of motion, and occasionally pain radiating to the neck, shoulders, or arms.


General information


How does K-Active Tape help with upper back pain (chest spine)?

Taping upper back – Tips

Step by step tape tutorial

Siegfried BreitenbachAutor & CEO K-Active Europe GmbH

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Lower back